San Marcos Development Code 9.1.2020
3 C H A P T E R
4. Detention pond bottoms must be vegetated.
J. Permit Required. No person, individual, partnership, firm or corporation shall deepen, widen, fill, reclaim, reroute or change the course or location of any existing ditch, channel, stream or drainage without first obtaining a site permit and permits from applicable agencies (such as FEMA or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) having jurisdiction. The Responsible Official may, at his or her discretion, require preparation and submission of a FEMA or flood study for a proposed development if there are concerns regarding storm drainage on the subject property or upstream or downstream from the subject property. The costs of such study, if required, shall be borne by the developer. K. Conformance with the City’s Stormwater Technical Manual. All stormwater facilities, including those for low impact development, detention, retention or water quality, shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer in accordance with the City’s Stormwater Technical Manual, including requirements for location, screening and fencing not inconsistent with this Chapter and applicable ordinances. All plans submitted to the Responsible Official for approval shall include a layout of the stormwater management system together with supporting calculations for the design of the system. Section Attenuation and Surface Drainage Channels A. Surface Drainage Channels. Surface drainage channels constructed or altered for drainage purposes shall be designed to minimize potential erosion and to increase the bottom width to flow depth ratio as follows: 1. Channel cross sections shall be trapezoidal in configuration; 2. Side slopes of channels shall be no steeper than four horizontal to one vertical; and 3. All constructed and altered drainage channels shall be stabilized and vegetated as soon as practicable after final grading.
G. Waiver of Detention/Retention.
1. Detention/retention may be waived for the following if no adverse impacts are demonstrated through drainage analysis and a payment-in-lieu is made into the stormwater management fund in accordance with Section
a. Non-residential small site permits,
b. Developments within High Intensity Zones, and
c. Plats of four (4) lots or less where the lots subdivided from the parent parcel do not exceed 0.5 acres each, are restricted by zoning or deed to 60% impervious cover or less, and are served by an existing street. An exemption is not allowed for the submittal of a series of plats of four (4) lots or less with the intention of producing a tract that is greater than four (4) lots. 2. Detention/Retention may be waived in High Intensity Zones if no adverse impacts are demonstrated through drainage analysis and a payment-in-lieu is made into the stormwater management fund in accordance with Section for the purposes of obtaining additional hydraulic capacity. Bridges and culverts in residential streets, shall be designed for the runoff from the one hundred (100) year frequency flow based on a fully developed watershed. shall not produce a headwater depth at the roadway greater than either twelve (12) inches above the roadway crown or any top of upstream curb elevation, whichever is lower. For bridges and culverts in streets other than residential areas, the one hundred (100) year headwater depth is limited to six (6) inches. Storm drain system shall be designed to meet the criteria listed in the Stormwater Technical Manual. I. Minimize Cut and Fill. The layout of the street network, lots and building sites shall minimize the amount of cut and fill on slopes in accordance with the standards for cut and fill set forth in Section (Ord. No. 2020-60, 9-1-2020) H. Street Drainage. Except for inverted crown thoroughfares, no lowering of the standard height of street crown shall be allowed
4. Channel velocities shall be non-erosive.
B. Additional runoff velocity attenuation strategies and techniques detailed in the City of San Marcos Stormwater Technical Manual shall be utilized.
Amended: September 1, 2020 San Marcos Development Code
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