San Marcos Design Manual (March 16, 2021)


Historic District Guidelines

Brick cornice / Brick banding (101 E Hopkins St)

Section C.2.3.2 Stone Rubble and Cut Stone

A. Stone rubble refers to a type of stone which has an undefined shape. The uneven face of stone rubble and uneven size of the pieces provides a unique texture that is not found in other materials. B. Cut stone is a precisely shaped stone, usually with a smooth face in the buildings of San Marcos. It is frequently as a decorative element on buildings or as a way to accent an opening. Cut stone can also have a great amount of detail such as columns and capitals. C. The limestone of San Marcos is a more durable stone than limestone found in other par ts of Texas. Stone walls have a natural beauty and require no protective coatings such as plaster. D. The stone walls are put together with mor tar in the same way brick walls are. The mor tar should not be harder than the limestone. Por tland cement mor tar can cause damage to stone walls. E. If stone shows evidence of dir t and grime, it can be cleaned with a mild solution of soap and water. Do not sandblast stone. Care should also be given if a chemical cleaning solution is to be used. Some chemicals burn the face of limestone.

Cut stone blocks for walls of older buildings (142 N LBJ Dr)

Carved stone capitals (100 E Hopkins St)

Section C.2.3.3 Wood and Commercial Buildings

A. Wood is a material that is used for a variety of architectural details such as storefronts and windows on many of the commercial buildings in San Marcos. Common locations


Amended: March 16, 2021 San Marcos Design Manual

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